A Vibrant Home Away From Home for Friendship, Connection, Growth, and Independence

Winter Quarter Registration

Seattle nonprofit helping people with intellectual, developmental disabilities prepare for mainstream life - King 5 News
Vision and Mission
OUR VISION is to create a world where young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities can build independence, socialize, and connect with their community in supportive environments that facilitate autonomy and true engagement.
OUR MISSION is to celebrate these young adults as unique individuals and to recognize the value and contributions they bring to their SCC community and the community at large.
Our Pillars
The SCC offers a range of exciting classes for members to pursue their individual or group interests. We continue to explore a range of programs that are tailored to the passions and input of every young adult to ensure all members are thriving in the SCC community. The SCC was designed from the ground up to ensure all young adults can continue to learn and grow their talents.
We offer a game room, hang out spaces, dances, movie nights, talent shows, and much more that truly make our community a home away from home. All young adults at the SCC also have the opportunity to gain leadership and mentorship skills that will help them be leaders and peer models in the greater community.
We want fun and fitness to be one at the SCC. From sports, to exercise and dance classes, to exploring the great Northwest outdoors, we want our members to get involved and get moving. In addition, through partnerships with local agencies, SCC members have the opportunity to stay fit, learn about sportsmanship, and have fun!
We are focused on community, friendship, and independence at the SCC. Members help run the SCC by working within the center and in our outdoor spaces. Our young adults also participate in center programming as mentors and group leaders. We plan to staff revenue generating businesses as well to provide members with great jobs and skill building experiences.

Contact us Today!
General Inquiry
Contact us today through email!
The Summit Community Center currently has four different ways to donate to our program.